Khaled Yahya engineer

Khaled Yahya engineer

Customer name : engineer Khaled Yahya Project:  apartmentPlace: Joseph Tito Street (Heliopolis)Apartment space: 142 square metersContract date 5-9-2017Delivery date for design 10-14-2017The condition of the apartment is at the time of its receipt from the customer before implementation: half a finishingThe works that were implemented in the projectIntegrated design work for the unit Facebook Twitter…

Engineer Hefni Abdullah

Engineer Hefni Abdullah

Customer Name : Engineer Hefni Abdullah Project: apartmentLocation: Al -Mi’raj (Maadi)Apartment space: 220 square meters Contract date 1-10-2018Delivery date 11-11-2018The condition of the apartment at the time it is received from the customer before implementation: finishingThe works that were implemented in the projectIntegrated design work for the unit Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email WhatsApp Some screenshots of…

Ahmed Moqbel engineer

Ahmed Moqbel engineer

Customer name: Ahmed Moqbel engineer Project:  apartmentPlace: (Faisal)Apartment space: 100 square metersContract date 9-15-2017Delivery date 2-1-2018The condition of the apartment is at the time of its receipt from the customer before implementation: half a finishingThe works that were implemented in the projectIntegrated design work for the unitImplementation, finishing and supervision workFurniture manufacturing work, kitchen, bedrooms,…

Ashraf Wahdan Engineer

Ashraf Wahdan Engineer

Customer name : Engineer Ashraf Wahdan Project: apartmentPlace: Seventh District (Nasr City)Apartment space: 190 square metersContract date 1-10-2016Delivery date 2-21-2017The condition of the apartment is at the time of its receipt from the customer before implementation: half a finishingThe works that were implemented in the projectIntegrated design work for the unitImplementation, finishing and supervision work…

Ahmed Abu Al -Haytham’s engineer

Ahmed Abu Al -Haytham’s engineer

Customer name: Ahmed Abu Al -Haytham’s engineer Project: apartmentPlace: Violet (Fifth Settlement)Apartment space: 200 square metersContract date 1-10-2017Delivery date 3-14-2018The condition of the apartment is at the time of its receipt from the customer before implementation: half a finishingThe works that were implemented in the projectIntegrated design work for the unitImplementation, finishing and supervision work…

Moataz Abdel Hamid

Moataz Abdel Hamid

Customer name: Moataz Abdel Hamid Project:  apartmentThe place: (Maadi – Al -Maraj)Apartment space: 200 square metersContract date 7-20-2016Delivery date 12-14-2016The condition of the apartment is at the time of its receipt from the customer before implementation: half a finishingThe works that were implemented in the projectIntegrated design work for the unitImplementation, finishing and supervision work…

Restaurant and Braun Baj

Restaurant and Braun Baj

Customer name: Restaurant and Braun Baj Project: Restaurant and SufficientPlace: Ninety Street (Fifth Settlement)Restaurant space: 300 square metersContract date 5-9-2018Delivery date 15-11-2018The condition of the apartment is at the time of its receipt from the customer before implementation: red bricksThe works that were implemented in the projectIntegrated design work for the unitImplementation, finishing and supervision…

Restaurant and Sufficient Bella Vita

Restaurant and Sufficient Bella Vita

Customer Name: Restaurant and Sufficient Bella Vita Project: Restaurant and SufficientPlace: Abu Al -Fida Street (Zamalek)Restaurant space: 700 square metersContract date 5-5-2014Delivery date 6-20-2014The condition of the apartment at the time of its receipt from the customer before implementation: FurnitureThe works that were implemented in the projectIntegrated design work for the projectDemolition and all components…

Restaurant and Bobos

Restaurant and Bobos

Customer Name: Restaurant and Bobos Project: Restaurant and SufficientPlace: Al -Nuzha Street (Nasr City)Restaurant space: 500 square metersContract date 5-9-2015Date of delivery 15-15-2015The condition of the apartment is at the time of its receipt from the customer before implementation: red bricksThe works that were implemented in the projectIntegrated design work for the unitImplementation, finishing and…